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The IJSW uses a double blind peer review process for all submissions, meaning the authors' and reviewers' identities are not revealed to each other during review. For articles where it would be difficult to fully anonymize the author, we allow authors to opt into a semi-anonymous review, where the author's affiliation is not anonymized in the manuscript. In no case is the author's name shared with the reviewers.

The editor(s) will perform an initial review of all submitted manuscripts and may reject papers that are clearly outside of the scope of the journal. Manuscripts within the scope will be sent to at least one reviewer, generally two pending availability. 

The review and revision process (from submission to final approval of layout) takes, on average, 15 weeks, with an initial decision within 3 weeks. This timeframe is subject to change based on updates to any given annual publication cycle. Authors may not submit the manuscript to other publications while a review is in progress. Authors are welcome to submit more than one article to the IJSW for consideration.

If a manuscript is selected for publication, all images, graphics, visuals, etc. shown in the text must be submitted to Editor/s as separate JPEG or TIFF files at minimum 300DPI resolution. If only lower resolution or alternate formats are available, please provide comment to the editor(s) in the submission's cover letter. 

Authors should note that this journal's open access policy does not require the author to pay publication fees of any type. For more information regarding the journal's copyright policy, please visit Information for Authors

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided. Captions are also provided for all Tables, Figures, or Images.
  • The text follows APA style for all in-text citations and references. Authors may wish to consult the Purdue Online Writing Lab APA Formatting and Style Guide, which is freely available online. Please use Oxford (serial) commas (e.g., "Red, white, and blue"), limit endnotes to 250 words, and use U.S. English spelling and grammar.
  • The submission includes a cover page with names, positions, affiliations, and email addresses of all authors, and specifies one corresponding author. Please include here a statement from the author/s stating that the submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in comments upon submission).
  • As a condition of publication in IJSW, all authors agree to the following terms of licensing/copyright ownership as shown in the "For Authors" section of this site and understand works published in the IJSW will be distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC).
  • The manuscript is no longer than 8,000 words including references, tables, figures, and notes (excluding abstract). The abstract is no longer than 180 words. Between 3-5 keywords are specified.