Perceptions of On-Premise Commercial Sign Regulation Codes for Beauty, Interest, and Order by Designers and Non-Designers

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Maleah Rakestraw
Pat Crawford
Eunsil Lee


Regulation has long since guided urban growth, and it is essential for municipalities to construct regulation that is conducive to creating visually stimulating public spaces. Minimal scientific research has been conducted on the impacts of commercial signage and the varying arrangements created by different sign regulations in regard to perception (Jourdan, Hurd, & Hawkins, 2013; Portella, 2014). With the rise of public involvement in planning (Lane, 2005; Sanoff, 2000), it is essential that designers and non-designers coordinate to develop sign controls that contribute to urban growth. This research studies the differences and similarities in perceptions of planning and design professionals and non-designers to aid in the development of future, more positively perceived, signage regulation. By using visual models presented in the form of a survey, findings show both similarities and differences between these groups in their assessment of signscapes regarding communication, perceptions of characteristics like beauty, interest, and order, an overall preference toward highly structured codes, and a difference in harshness of evaluation. 

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