The Rodrigo & Luz Chronicles: A Composite Counterstory

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Carlos Nicolas Gómez Marchant
Gerardo Sánchez Gutiérrez
Amy Rae Johnson
Alexandra R. Aguilar
Karina M´endez Pérez
Mona Baniahmadi


We provide a composite counter story based on our own experiences grappling with investigating elementary Latinx learners’ experiences and how we have leaned on each other to resist the whiteness of learning to do research in pursuit of a Ph.D. As the counterstory shows, we collectively worked together to write our own continuations of the story between Rodrigo, a graduate research assistant on a project about Latinx learners’ experiences, and Luz, a 4th grade Latina learner who is participating in the study. Together, we supported each other to use storytelling to challenge dominant narratives of the relationship between researcher and researched. Our hope is that this counterstory helps others to reflect on and explore issues of assimilation and provides them permission to challenge how we do research.

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