Interest Convergence and the Commodification of International Students and Scholars in the United States

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Christina W. Yao
Tiffany Viggiano


International students and scholars in the United States (U.S.) have often been excluded from conversations about race, ethnicity, and migration within U.S. contexts. However, with the issuance of what is commonly known as the Travel Bans, fears emerged from the international education community of the Travel Bans affecting international student recruitment and enrollment. In this study, we highlight the ways in which an official statement from leaders of international higher education organizations employ interest convergence arguments, followed by a discussion of the ways in which convergence in this case is employed as a tool to garner U.S. soft power. The examination of a brief of amicus curiae submitted by the American Council on Education and 32 additional higher education associations revealed the commodification of international students and scholars when using interest convergence as an analytical frame for examining the soft power (Nye, 2008). International students and scholars contribute to U.S. soft power as a means of garnering diversity, contributing to foreign policy, producing knowledge, and generating economic gains.

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