An Examination of the Present and Predictions for the Future of Intercollegiate Athletics


  • James T Morton Ithaca College
  • Donna L Pastore Ohio State University



intercollegiate athletics, Delphi technique, forecasting


This study forecasts future issues in NCAA Division I FBS intercollegiate athletics.  The research design employed the Delphi technique to survey an expert panel, consisting of 12 athletic directors and associate athletic directors from FBS institutions, over three rounds to ascertain what issues are likely to occur over the next five to seven years and whether or not these issues will have a significant impact on the way intercollegiate athletics operates. 

Results of the study revealed eight issues that were likely to occur over the next five to seven years.  Four of these issues related to the economic sector of the environment, one related to the legal sector, and three related to the sociocultural.  Further, 14 of the issues were rated by the expert panel as having a significant level of impact if they were to occur. Recommendations are made based on the forecasts by the expert panel. 

Author Biographies

  • James T Morton, Ithaca College

    Assistant Professor

    Sport Management

  • Donna L Pastore, Ohio State University


    Sport Management


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Peer Review Articles

How to Cite

An Examination of the Present and Predictions for the Future of Intercollegiate Athletics. (2019). Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, 1(5), 48-81.