Teacher Round Table
A Conversation Inspired by Ashley Dallacqua’s “Reading When the World Is on Fire: Teaching with Comics and Other Multimodal Text Sets”
Teacher as Intellectual, Teacher Conversation, Graphic Novels, Text Set, CensorshipAbstract
Study and Scrutiny has focused on the publication of critical and empirical studies surrounding the scholarship and critical merits of Young Adult Literature. Because other journals provide a space for pedagogical practices concerning YA, the editors have intentionally shied away from explaining to teachers how to teach a particular title in a particular way. Still, the intention of the journal has been, in part, to support the learning of secondary students as readers and the classroom practices of their teachers. Teacher Round Table hopes to serve as a space to open the conversation surrounding YA literature, its critical merits, and ways that the research might serve teachers as they make curriculum choices about both texts and strategies. The idea is to bring teachers, as intellectuals, into conversation surrounding the scholarship of a featured study.
For this round table, five secondary teachers joined Shelly Unsicker-Durham via Zoom to focus on Ashely Dallacqua’s article “Reading When the World Is on Fire: Teaching with Comics and Other Multimodal Text Sets” from S & S Issue: 6.1. Jason DeHart, special editor, invited three of his Tennessee colleagues and Shelly invited two of hers from Oklahoma, for a conversation that included graphic novels, classroom instruction, and censorship. Words and images provided by the teachers, along with the following conversation, have been edited for clarity, style, and organization.
Alexander, K. (2019). The crossover graphic novel. Clarion Books.
Bloom, J., & Martin Jr., W. E. (2016). Black against Empire: The history and politics of the Black Panther Party. University of California Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5816/blackscholar.43.4.0163 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5816/blackscholar.43.4.0163
Butler, O. (2018). Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation.
Christmas, J. (2022). Swim team. HarperAlley.
Dallacqua, A. (2022). Reading when the world is on fire: Teaching with comics and other multimodal text sets. Study & Scrutiny: Research on Young Adult Literature, 5(1), 38-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15763/issn.2376-5275.2022.5.2.38-63 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15763/issn.2376-5275.2022.5.2.38-63
Freire, P. (1983). The importance of the act of reading. Journal of Education, 165(1), 5-11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/002205748316500103
Gaiman, N. (2006). The absolute sandman, vol 1. Vertigo.
Greenberg, I. (2020). Glasstown. Harry N. Abrams.
Greenberg, I. (2016). 100 nights of hero. Little, Brown and Company.
Walker, D. F., & Anderson, M. K., Illustrator. (2021). The Black Panther Party: A graphic novel history. Ten Speed Press.
Yang, G. L. (2013). Boxers and saints. First Second.
Zimmerman, D.(2009). The Vietnam War: A graphic history, (W. Vansant, Illus.). Hill and Wang.
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