YA in Rural Spaces

Three Trade Book Reviews


  • Terri Suico, Editor Saint Mary's College
  • Lisa Hazlett University of South Dakota
  • Patricia Lane California State University, Fresno
  • Ann Marie Smith North American University, Houston




trade books, reviews, rural areas, young adult literature


With 19% of US students reading and learning in rural areas, adding books representative of these populations is important for all our students. The reviews and rationales that follow provide titles worthy of space in our libraries and classrooms. Lisa Hazlett explores Pumpkin by Julie Murphy; Patricia Lane provides a glimpse into Dark and Shallow Lies; and Anne Marie Smith reviews Full Flight by Ashley Schumacher.

Author Biographies

  • Terri Suico, Editor, Saint Mary's College

    Terri Suico is an associate professor of education and the director of the Center for Academic Innovation at Saint Mary’s College. She earned her EdD from Boston University School of Education and her MAT from Vanderbilt University. Her scholarly work has been included in several books and journals. Most recently, an article she cowrote appeared in NCTE’s English Education. She currently serves as the book review and interview editor for Study and Scrutiny: Research on Young Adult Literature and is on the incoming editorial team for The ALAN Review.

  • Lisa Hazlett, University of South Dakota

    Lisa A. Hazlett is professor of secondary education at The University of South Dakota, where she teaches courses in middle/secondary English language arts education.  She specializes in young adult literature regarding presentations, publications, and especially novel and other reviews.

  • Patricia Lane, California State University, Fresno

    Patricia Lane is an assistant professor of liberal studies at California State University, Fresno. She earned her EdD from California State University, Bakersfield, and her Master’s in Education from the University of Pennsylvania. Her scholarly work has been published in several edited books, including a recent publication in IGI’s Liberate Our Schools: Taking Back Our History With Critical Race Theory. A chapter she co-authored can be found at https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/liberate-our-schools/334170. Her research focuses on Black student excellence and resilience, Black educator perseverance, and culturally sustaining pedagogy and how it impacts the literacy classroom setting.

  • Ann Marie Smith, North American University, Houston

    Ann Marie Smith is an associate professor of education at North American University in Houston, Texas, where she teaches adolescent literature, English education and literacy education courses in the Department of Education.  Her publications include articles and book chapters on young adult literature, teacher education and teaching strategies for literature.


Hallowell, C. (2003). People of the Bayou: Cajun life in lost America. Pelican Publishing.

Kaua’I’ O’o’ Song (2015) American Bird Conservancy. Recording. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrcCK2zERdM

Murphy, J. (2015). Dumplin’. Balzer + Bray.

Murphy, J. (2018). Puddin’. Balzer + Bray.

Murphy, J. (2021). Pumpkin. Balzer + Bray.

National Center for Education Statistics. (2023). Enrollment and school choice in rural areas. Condition of Education. U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved February 17, 2023 from https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/lcb

Ratcliffe, M., Burd, C., Holder, K., & Fields, A. (2016). Defining rural at the U.S. Census Bureau: American community survey and geography brief. U.S. Census Bureau. https://www2.census.gov/geo/pdfs/reference/ua/Defining_Rural.pdf. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32614/cran.package.totalcensus

Sain, G. M. (2021). Dark and shallow lies. Razorbill.

Schumacher, A. (2022). Full flight. St. Martin’s Press.

Images of book covers for the trade book reviews.


