Welcome to Writers: Craft & Context, an open-access interdisciplinary journal that publishes a wide array of material focused on writers: the work they do, the contexts in which they compose and circulate their work, how they are impacted by policies and pedagogies (broadly conceived) and how they develop across the lifespan. We invite contributions from a range of academic fields such as writing studies, cultural studies, education, psychology, sociology, literature and modern languages as well as from community experts outside academia, including program leaders, activists, volunteers, artists, and others who see, support, and do the work of writing in non-academic contexts. We are eager to publish traditional and creative genres including research articles, reflections on methodology, pedagogy pieces, collaborative or multi-voice works, collages, essays, creative nonfiction, interviews and more.
We welcome work on writers that doesn’t fit neatly elsewhere. In a departure from traditional academic journals, WCC Journal will serve as a venue for writers “to speak with (rather than for and over) others’ communities”.* We are committed to a vision of “equitable representation in our scholarship and in our field at large” and, as editors, we take seriously our responsibility “to create the conditions to make it happen” (274).** Visit our “About” page for more about the commitments driving WCC Journal.
* “Open Letter” Black, Latinx, American Indian, Queer Caucus, Asian/Asian American Caucuses, NCTE & CCCC, December 2018.
**Blewett, Kelly, LaVecchia, Christina M., Micciche, Laura, R., and Morris, Janine. (2019). Editing as Inclusion Activism. College English, 81(4), 273-296.
Current Issue
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025)
Full Issue
Front Matter
Editors' Introduction
Please Note: Before you submit to WCC Journal for the first time, please email writerscraftcontextjournal@gmail.com to have an account set up for you. You will receive an email from OU Libraries notifying you that your account is ready. At that point, you will log in with temporary credentials to set up a profile and permanent username and password.