Antiracism is Not an Action Item Boutique Activism and Academic (Anti)Racism

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Mara Lee Grayson


 As organizations and institutions responded to calls for racial justice fol­lowing the murder of George Floyd in 2020, many did so in performative ways that maintained the racial status quo. In this article, the author argues that such performativity has been both pervasive and intentional. Drawing parallels be­tween her experiences advocating for racial justice in a nonprofit organization and in an English department, the author explores the type of liberal boutique ac­tivism that, already common in nonprofit spaces, directs much of the discourse on (anti)racism in academic settings and squashes more substantive efforts to challenge white supremacy. The author also explores how her positionality as a white Jewish woman impacted her ex­periences as an antiracist activist in an academic department, illuminating how linkages between racism and antisem­itism are covertly weaponized in white spaces by those who profess interest in social justice but really seek to uphold white supremacy.

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