From the Managing Editor

Dear Colleagues:   I would like to take this time to introduce myself as the new Managing Editor of American Review of Politics. I was honored to receive the opportunity from Dr. Justin Wert to take over management of the journal and work alongside him and others in editing the journal. I have been absorbed over the past month not only learning the proud history of ARP but more so in learning the newly updated servers and software. I am greatly indebted to David Corbly, Jen Waller, and our publishing partners at the University of Oklahoma Libraries for their help and patience while I learn the process and for their help with the journal's transition to the new servers.    As the American Review of Politics moves steadily forward, I have the highest confidence in the continuing quality of our submissions, the increase in readership, and the hard work of our authors and reviewers. I will be working diligently in the coming months to expand our reviewer pool, as I am already seeing quality submissions continue to arrive. As always, please continue to promote ARP among both colleagues and graduate students.   I am excited to work closely with all of you, authors, reviewers, and readers alike, as ARP moves confidently forward. If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to contact me, either directly or through the website.    With warmest regards and profound thanks,   Daniel P. Brown, Ph.D University of Oklahoma Managing Editor