Political Attitudes of the American Professoriate Toward the Persian Gulf War


  • Gary Shepherd
  • Gordon Shepherd




Based on a national random sample of 657 college professors, indexes were constructed to measure faculty support for U.S. military involvement in the 1991 Persian Gulf War (IRAQHAWK), justifications for U.S. military actions (USJUST), opposition to the war (IRAQDOVE), justifications for Iraqi actions (IRAQJUST), and willingness to consider active protest against the war (GULFPROTEST). Principal findings showed that (1) college professors were less supportive of the war than the American public as a whole, (2) faculty liberalism was associated with greater disapproval of the war, (3) faculty responses to the war varied by academic discipline, with those in the social sciences and humanities least likely to support the war, and (4) cohort effects were relatively weak, but older faculty were most likely to support the war. Implications of this last result are discussed with respect to a statistically dominant cohort of Vietnam generation faculty in contemporary academia.


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