Dual Partisanship in the South: Anachronism, or a Real Barrier to Republican Success in the Region?


  • Jay Barth




This paper employs contemporary polling data to determine the degree to which dual partisanship is preponderant in the mass public of the eleven southern states. Because dual partisanship shows a lack of connection between the national political parties and the parties at lower levels, widespread dual partisanship could be seen as an important barrier to the “trickling down” of Republicanism in the region. While dual partisanship is not found to be present in large numbers in the contemporary southern electorate, differences in the partisan commitments of southern voting groups - of age, gender, and subregion - have important implications for the present and future workings of southern voting groups - of age, gender, and subregion - have important implications for the present and future workings of southern politics. The paper goes on to discuss how this absence of dual partisanship from the thinking of most members of the mass electorate in the region could coexist with evidence of dual partisanship among southern party activists reported in recent survey results.


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