John C. Calhoun And The Constitutional Amending Process: Article V And The Theory Of Concurrent Majorities


  • John R. Vile



Among Americans, John C. Calhoun is generally regarded by scholars not only as a prominent nineteenth century statesman but also as one of the most original and logical political thinkers. (For discussion of prominent interpretations, see Current 1963 and Harris 1984.) Initially a strong nationalist who professed little concern “ for refined arguments on the constitution,” (Calhoun 1959, I, 403) Calhoun increasingly became the acknowledged spokesman for those southerners who turned to the Constitution (Carpenter 1963, 127-170) in the hope of protecting their peculiar institution.


Beitzinger, A.G. 1972. A History of American Political Thought. Dodd, Mead & Company, New York.

Carpenter, Jesse T. 1963. Reprint of 1930 edition. The South As a Conscious Minority, 1789-1861. Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith.

Calhoun, John C. 1899. Correspondence of John C. Calhoun. J. Franklin Jameson, ed. vol. 2, Annual Report of The American Historical Association for the Year 1899. Washington Printing Office.

_________. 1953. A Disquisition on Government and Selections From the Discourses. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company.

_________. 1959. The Papers o f John C. Calhoun. Robert L. Meriwether, ed. Vol. I. Columbia: The University of South Carolina Press.

_______ . 1968. Reprint of 1851-56 edition. The Works of John C. Calhoun. Richard K. Cralle, ed. 6 vols. New York: Russell and Russell.

Current, Richard N. 1968. John C. Calhoun. New York: Washington Square Press, Inc.

Dennison, George M. 1976. The Dorr War: Republicanism on Trial, 1831-1861. The University Press of Kentucky.

The Federalist. 1898. Paul Leicester Ford, ed. New York: Henry Holt and Company.

Harris, J. William. 1984. Last of the Classical Republicans: An Interpretation of John C. Calhoun. Civil War History. 30:255-267.

Livingston, William S. 1956. Federalism and Constitutional Change. Oxford: The Clarendon Press.

McLaughlin, Andrew C. 1935. AConstitutional History of the United States. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc.

Murphy, Walter. 1980. An Ordering of Constitutional Values. Southern California Law Review Law Review. 53:703-760.

Pullen, William R. 1948. Applications of State Legislatures to Congress for the Call of a National Constitutional Convention, 1788-1867. Master's Thesis. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. 1945. The Age of Jackson. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

Vile, John R. 1985. Limitations on the Constitutional Amending Process. Constitutional Commentary, 2:373-388.

Wald, Kenneth D. 1987. Religion & Politics in the United States. New York: St. Martin's Press.





