Towards an Indigenous-Serving Institution: A Study on Sense of Belonging and Perceptions of Native Hawaiian Culture at Leeward Community College

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T. Kuʻuipo Cummings Losch


Leeward Community College is committed to supporting Native Hawaiians, the Indigenous people of Hawaiʻi. It aims to become a “model indigenous-serving” institution (University of Hawaiʻi, 2012) as part of the University of Hawaiʻi system’s efforts to empower Hawaiʻi’s Indigenous scholars and their communities. This single-site case study used the Culturally Engaging Campus Environments (CECE) model to assess the degree to which students feel a sense of belonging on their college campus, specifically in their perceptions of Native Hawaiians and Native Hawaiian culture. The data revealed that while most participants felt a sense of belonging on campus, there are disparities between Native Hawaiian and non-Native Hawaiian students and employees. Interviewees emphasized the need for institutional support to prioritize indigenous people, mindsets, environments, and collective wellness in decision-making, leadership, and service to the community.

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