A Qualitative Investigation of Academic and Athletic Brand Representations: Applying Lovemarks Theory to Cultural Symbol


  • C. Keith Harrison University of Central Florida
  • Scott Bukstein University of Central Florida
  • William A. Sutton University of South Florida
  • Danielle Heceta McArdle Seton Hall University
  • Jessie Dickens University of Central Florida
  • S. Malia Lawrence California State University Fullerton




Branding, student-athletes, brand imagery, photo-elicitation, intercollegiate, and American higher education




The current study applied Robert’s lovemarks theory of branding to interpret a photo-elicitation approach of two academic/athletic brand representations. Three major themes emerged from the participants (N = 88) in the study of the Thinkman logo image: a) Intellectual Enhancement; b) Athlete; and c) Hard Work.  By eliciting responses from the participants (N = 75) regarding the term Scholar-Baller , the following three themes emerged: a) Amazing Scholar & Exceptional Athlete; b) Top Student; and c) Student-Athlete. The current findings indicate many of the participants responded favorably to the photo-elicitation of two academic/athletic terms and logos. The participants also critiqued both representations in the context of the broader and specific discourses about the student-athlete experience in American higher education. Implications and recommendations for scholars and practitioners are suggested.


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How to Cite

Harrison, C. K., Bukstein, S., Sutton, W. A., McArdle, D. H., Dickens, J., & Lawrence, S. M. (2019). A Qualitative Investigation of Academic and Athletic Brand Representations: Applying Lovemarks Theory to Cultural Symbol. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, 1(5), 15–36. https://doi.org/10.15763/issn.2376-5267.2018.1.5.15-36



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