Artifacts and the Academic Motivation of African American Male Athletes


  • Eric Bailey University of Memphis
  • Rhema Fuller University of Memphis



college athletics, motivation, African American, HBCU, academics


This study sought to examine to examine the academic motivations of African American male college athletes at a historically Black college and university (HBCU). Self-determination theory (SDT) was incorporated as the theoretical framework. Data were collected via artifacts from seven African American male college athletes at a HBCU in the mid-southern region of the United States. Explanation of the artifacts by the participants revealed that they were motivated by their family, their faith, and their resiliency. Findings, and their implications for research and practice, are discussed and presented.


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How to Cite

Bailey, E., & Fuller, R. (2019). Artifacts and the Academic Motivation of African American Male Athletes. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, 1(5), 1–14.



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