High-Revenue Athletics Institutional Policies and Practices Aligned with Key Resources for STEM Career Development


  • Sheron Mark University of Louisville




science technology engineering and mathematics (STEM), academic success, career development, higher education athletics policy and practice, Black male college athletes


This study sought to explore the ways in which athletics departments within high-revenue National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I universities established institutional policies and practices aligned with providing key science, technology, engineering, and mathematics career development resources. These resources were derived from an earlier study focused on Black male student-athletes in high-revenue Division I athletics. The athletics department websites of a sample of high-revenue Atlantic Coast Conference institutions were reviewed seeking evidence of such policy and practice alignment with STEM career development. The resources identified from this review included explicit programming and student-athlete experiences for career, personal, and cultural identity development; designated institutional support personnel, including academic advisers, career counselors, and learning specialists, with the potential to provide personalized social support and academic support; and tutoring and study hall as additional academic support practices. The need for equity and student-centeredness is discussed in light of the implementation of each of these resources, as well as considerations of the impact of athletics departments demonstrating leadership and accountability in administering these resources, as compared to university-wide departments of academic and student affairs.


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How to Cite

Mark, S. (2021). High-Revenue Athletics Institutional Policies and Practices Aligned with Key Resources for STEM Career Development. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, 1(8), 113–139. https://doi.org/10.15763/issn.2376-5267.2020.1.8.113-139



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