Intercollegiate Athletics Experience as a High Impact Practice: Examination of Quality Indicators




Intercollegiate student-athletes have lower access and participation rates compared to peers across the high-impact practices (HIPs). HIPs are an active learning practice that deepen learning through engagement. Recently, there has been a call to look at student experiences to identify ‘next-generation’ HIPs. The intercollegiate athletic experience shows lasting transformative benefits for participants and thus constitutes a ‘next-generation’ HIP. This paper provides evidence to support the concept of intercollegiate athletics as a HIP by: 1) presenting data from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and National Survey on Student Engagement (NSSE) in support of athletics as a HIP; 2) share the perceptions of academic personnel in a mid-major Division I conference considering intercollegiate athletics as a fit for a next-generation HIP; and 3) utilizing the quality indicators of HIPs as a way to assess the athletic experience by student-athletes. In total these perspectives indicated that eight key quality elements of HIPs are part of a student’s athletics experience. Additional discussion includes the importance of integrating intentional feedback, reflection, and connection to real-world application to further align and deepen the athlete experience with quality measures of HIPs.

Author Biographies

Caroline J. Ketcham, Elon University

Professor and Chair of Exercise Science

Lydia Bell, National Collegiate Athletic Association

Associate Director of Research, Academic Performance


Eric E. Hall, Elon University

Professor of Exercise Science

Anthony G. Weaver, Elon University

Professor of Sports Management


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How to Cite

Ketcham, C., Bell, L., Hall, E., & Weaver, A. (2022). Intercollegiate Athletics Experience as a High Impact Practice: Examination of Quality Indicators. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, 1(9), 61–81.



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