Student-Athlete Career Development through Community Service: A Retrospective Study


  • Jackson Zane Martin The University of Pittsburgh



Career Development, Student-Athlete Development, Community Service, NCAA Life Skills, CHAMPS, NACE


The purpose of this study was to examine, through a retrospective lens, the effects that collegiate community service has on the career development of student-athletes under the umbrella of functional motivation theory. To do so, researchers analyzed the career development of seven former Southeastern Conference (SEC) student-athletes who were awarded membership to the SEC Community Service team through both individual and team contributions. NCAA Division-I student-athletes face hindrances through time restraints but also have resources designed to enhance academic and vocational development, such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Life Skills program (formerly CHAMPS). Through phone interviews focused on reflective collegiate community service and career development, several themes emerged. For collegiate community service the most common themes were: Service Settings, Current Service, and Time Restraints. For career development, the major themes were: Working with Diverse Groups, Scholarship and Admittance into Graduate Programs, and Career Choice/Personal Values. In analysis, the majority of the discovered themes align firmly with the National Association of College and Employer’s (NACE) career readiness competencies.

Author Biography

Jackson Zane Martin, The University of Pittsburgh

Jackson is the Career Consultant for Student-Athletes within the CDPA office, assisting Pitt student-athletes in their career and professional development. Prior to Pitt, Jackson worked for the Student-Athlete Development Department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Jackson graduated from the University of Portland in May 2013 with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology where  he also competed on the tennis team. He later earned a master’s degree in Sport Management from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in May 2016.


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How to Cite

Martin, J. Z. (2018). Student-Athlete Career Development through Community Service: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, 1(4), 1–24.



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