Creating Change in Intercollegiate Athletics: The Sexual Assault Prevention Paradigm for Athletic Departments


  • Kristy Lee McCray Otterbein University
  • Sue Sutherland The Ohio State University
  • Donna L Pastore The Ohio State University



In 2011, the Office for Civil Rights issued a “Dear Colleague Letter” instructing universities to take action regarding sexual assault on college campuses. Specifically, universities must better educate students on the prevention of sexual assault, in the hope of reducing violence against women. Previous research is mixed on the involvement of intercollegiate student-athletes in incidences of sexual assault; however, recent high-profile cases of sexual misconduct at universities indicate that student-athletes are not immune to this issue. The purpose of this study was to explore how sexual assault is viewed within the culture of intercollegiate athletics, including education, occurrence, and prevention. Through interviews with former intercollegiate athletes, three main findings emerged: (1) Participant Knowledge, (2) Sexual Assault Within the Context of College Athletics; and (3) Creating Change in Athletic Department Culture. Using grounded theory, these themes were combined to create the Sexual Assault Prevention Paradigm for Athletic Departments. 

Author Biographies

Kristy Lee McCray, Otterbein University

Assistant Professor

Department of Health & Sport Sciences

Sue Sutherland, The Ohio State University

Associate Professor

Department of Human Sciences

Donna L Pastore, The Ohio State University


Department of Human Sciences


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How to Cite

McCray, K. L., Sutherland, S., & Pastore, D. L. (2018). Creating Change in Intercollegiate Athletics: The Sexual Assault Prevention Paradigm for Athletic Departments. Journal of Higher Education Athletics & Innovation, 1(4), 25–53.



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