Behavioral Health and Sociocultural Determinants of Corrections Involvement Among Vulnerable African American Females: Historical and Contemporary Themes

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Harold Briggs
Lew Bank
Adam C. Briggs


This article examines the behavioral health mechanisms of drug and alcohol abuse and risky sexual practices among young adult and adult African American women and their intersectional influences on rates of incarceration among this vulnerable population. The authors posit that sociocultural identity, family and peer relationships, and neighborhood influences are significant factors that uniquely influence young adult and adult African Americans to participate in maladaptive behavioral health mechanisms of drug use and risky sexual practices that lead to and are correlates of corrections involvement. The authors conclude the article drawing implications for practice and future research on the myriad of factors that accompany the victimization experiences of African American young adult and adult women involved in substance abuse, risky sexual behaviors, and corrections systems.

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How to Cite
Briggs, H., Lew Bank, & Adam C. Briggs. (2015). Behavioral Health and Sociocultural Determinants of Corrections Involvement Among Vulnerable African American Females: Historical and Contemporary Themes. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 4(3), 176–202.


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