‘‘I Didn’t Know He Had It in Him to Kill Me’’: Non lethal Firearms Use and Partner Violence Against Canadian Women

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This qualitative research explored with women the nature and impact of non-lethal firearm-related assaults inflicted on  them by their male partners. Forty women from Alberta, Canada described incident(s) in which firearms were central, with 5 contextual themes emerging: (a) threats by partners to commit suicide with firearms(4 women); (b) indirect threats (6 women); (c) explicit threats to harm with a firearm without producing the weapon(11 women); (d) one traumatic incident involving firearms (12 women); and (e) firearm threats or used throughout the relationship (7 women). Practice and policy options are presented for forensic and clinical social workers, shelter workers, and police officers.

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How to Cite
TUTTY, L. (2016). ‘‘I Didn’t Know He Had It in Him to Kill Me’’: Non lethal Firearms Use and Partner Violence Against Canadian Women. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 5(1-3), 130–149. https://doi.org/10.1080/1936928X.2015.1092906


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