Veterans in the Criminal Justice System and the Role of Social Work

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Kelli E. Canada
David L. Albright


Veterans, particularly those who were involved in combat, experience difficulty readjusting to civilian life after deployment. Difficulties in adjustment postdeployment can contribute to involvement in the criminal justice system for some veterans. Interventions for veterans in the criminal justice system (e.g., veteran courts) are expanding as stakeholders become more aware of the risks that veterans face in corrections. The social work profession is especially suited to play a unique and critical role in veteran interventions through direct practice, advocacy, administration, and research. This article discusses the role of social work practice with veterans in corrections and the implications for the social work profession in veteran-related policy and research. This article includes an overview of the research on veterans in the criminal justice system, a discussion of one rapidly expanding intervention for veterans, and a focused discussion on the multiple roles for social workers in practice, policy, and research.

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How to Cite
Canada, K., & David L. Albright. (2014). Veterans in the Criminal Justice System and the Role of Social Work. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 4(1), 48–62.


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