Correlates of Modus Operandi (Coercion and Force) Among Male Sexually Victimized Adolescent Sexual Abusers: An Exploratory Study

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Researchers have noted that there are few empirical investigations on the factors associated with adolescent sexual abusers’ modus operandi (MO) (i.e., strategies used to coerce and/or force victim compliance). Understanding MO is critical for effective prevention and treatment. The extant literature has found that certain developmental experiences and contextual factors, such as a history of victimization and family characteristics, may be related to the use of specific MO strategies. New to the literature, this present study also investigated the relationship between substance abuse and MO. Physical neglect and being told by a third person to sexually abuse someone significantly predicted the severity of MO of male incarcerated adolescent sexually victimized sexual offenders (N = 148). Other forms of trauma and substance abuse were not predictors of MO. Research and treatment implications for forensic social workers are discussed.

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GEORGE LEIBOWITZ. (2012). Correlates of Modus Operandi (Coercion and Force) Among Male Sexually Victimized Adolescent Sexual Abusers: An Exploratory Study . Journal of Forensic Social Work, 2(2-3), 94–107.


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