Interpersonal Dependency Constructs and Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence

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Michelle Mohr Carnety


USAThis study analyzed the subscales of the Interpersonal Dependency Inventory to investigate the levels of dependency among men courtordered to enter a batterers intervention program, determine asso-ciations between the subscales and violence, and evaluate thetreatment’s ability to change dependency on program completers.A secondary analysis with 114 men was used. Results indicatedthat using negotiation tactics and psychological aggression weresignificantly associated with emotional reliance on another per-son. Furthermore, the level of injury inflicted on a partner wasassociated with 2 subscales. No change in the level of dependencywas found. Implications regarding treatment were explored anddiscussed.

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How to Cite
MARCELA SARMIENTO MELLINGER, & Michelle Mohr Carnety. (2014). Interpersonal Dependency Constructs and Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 4(1), 29–47.


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