Intimate Partner Violence, Gender and Lethality: A Case Analysis of Two Fatalities

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Michelle Mohr Carney


Deaths caused by intimate partner violence (IPV) are an area of significant concern for advocates, practitioners, and experts. Aspart of collaborative community interventions to curb violence,the creation of multi-agency fatality review teams has shown effectiveness in reducing IPV and concomitant homicides. The following study is deviant case analysis of 2 female perpetrators within a multi-phasic fatality review of 22 felony cases of IPV resulting in homicide in a city in the southeastern United States. This study was designed to effectively gauge whether gender is avariable for those accused of felony murder as a result of IPV. Results indicate gender disparities for women, including inabilityto act as free agents within increasingly violent relationships; disparate characterization of violent women as more egregious than those of male counterparts within law enforcement and behavioral health and the pressing need for legal and therapeutic rehabilitative services provided to violent women offenders.

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How to Cite
JOHN R. BARNER, & Michelle Mohr Carney. (2016). Intimate Partner Violence, Gender and Lethality: A Case Analysis of Two Fatalities. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 5(1-3), 150–166.


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