Is Positive Social Support Available to Re-Entering Prisoners? It Depends on Who You Ask

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Anna M. Schyett
Misty Lewis


Re-entering prisoners have complex needs. Growing attention hasturned to the role of informal social support in successful post-release outcomes. Research indicates informal supports are available to re-entering prisoners, yet this support can be experienced negatively and contribute to poor outcomes. We examined antici-pated and received quality, source, and types of support for re-entering prisoners from perspectives of 60 re-entering prisonersand corrections professionals. We found re-entering prisoners anticipated and received what they considered positive support. Alternatively, corrections professionals perceived limited positive support as available and instead reported negative support as morelikely. Corrections professionals also questioned whether re-entering prisoners’ accurately differentiate positive and negative support. Results indicate key practice implications.

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How to Cite
CARRIE PETTUS-DAVIS, Anna M. Schyett, & Misty Lewis. (2014). Is Positive Social Support Available to Re-Entering Prisoners? It Depends on Who You Ask. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 4(1), 2–28.


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