Let’s Get Free: Social Work and the Movement for Black Lives

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Throughout its history, social work has shaped and been shaped by social movements. What might #BlackLivesMatter mean for 21st century social work and what might social work mean for the Movement? This paper describes the Movement and applies insights from Young’s 1965 essay ‘‘Civil Rights and a Militant Profession’’to identify a set of questions for social workers to explore. These include questions about making alliances and contributing competencies, overcoming apathy, misconceptions and exploitation, and fulfilling the obligations of clinical practice for social justice.

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How to Cite
PHILLIPE COPELAND. (2016). Let’s Get Free: Social Work and the Movement for Black Lives. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 5(1-3), 3–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/1936928X.2015.1109397


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