“People, Places, and Things:” Network Factors Matter in the Experiences of Mental Health Court Participants

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Kelli E. Canada


Mental health courts (MHC) are expanding nationally but the evidence base involves substantial gaps in research. Although positive outcomes are associated with MHC participation, it is unclear as to what factors contribute to outcomes. The current study addresses gaps in research by exploring the experiences of MHC participants and associations between network factors and treatment adherence from consumers participating in two MHCs (N = 80). A mixed method design drawing from multiple data sources is utilized. Study results suggest network factors are significantly associated with treatment adherence and play an important role in recovery. Results have implications for social work practice and research.

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How to Cite
Canada, K. (2013). “People, Places, and Things:” Network Factors Matter in the Experiences of Mental Health Court Participants . Journal of Forensic Social Work, 3(3), 208–243. https://doi.org/10.1080/1936928X.2013.837417


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