Loretta M. Gaffney’s Young Adult Literature, Libraries, and Conservative Activism


  • Rachel Myers University of Oklahoma




A review of Young Adult Literature, Libraries, and Conservative Activism by Loretta M. Gaffney


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Campbell, James E. 1985. "Sources of the New Deal Realignment: The Contributions of Conversion and Mobilization to Partisan Change." Western Political Quarterly 38: 357-76.

Canon, Bradley C. and Sidney S. Ulmer. "Communication—The Supreme Court and Critical Elections: A Dissent." American Political Science Review 70: 1214- 18.

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Casper, Jonathan D. 1976. "The Supreme Court and National Policy Making." American Political Science Review 70: 50-63.

Dahl, Robert A. 1957. "Decision-Making in a Democracy: The Supreme Court as National Policy Maker." Journal of Public Law. 6: 279-95.

DeVries, Walter and V. Lance Tarrance. 1972. The Ticket Splitter: A New Force in American Politics. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdsmans, 1972.

Erickson, Robert S. and Kent L. Tedin. 1981. "The 1928-1936 Partisan Realignment: The Case for the Conversion Hypothesis." American Political Science Review 75: 951-62.

Fiorina, Morris P. 1981. Retrospective Voting in American National Elections. New Haven: Yale University Press.

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Ginsberg, Benjamin and Martin Shefter. 1990. Politics By Other Means: The Declining Importance of Elections in America. New York: Basic Books.

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Kleppner, Paul. 1987. Continuity and Change in Electoral Politics, 1893-1928. Westport, CN.: Greenwood Press.

Ladd, Everett C. 1981. "The Brittle Mandate: Electoral Dealignment and the 1980 Election." Political Science Quarterly 96: 1-25.

Lasser, William. 1985. "The Supreme Court in Periods of Critical Realignment." Journal of Politics 47: 1174-87.

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Lichtman, A. J. 1982. "The End of Realignment Theory? Toward a New Research Program for American Political History." Historical Methods 15: 170-88.

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Shafer, Byron E. 1991. The End of Realignment? Interpreting American Electoral Eras. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

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Wattenberg, Martin P. 1987. "The Hollow Realignment: Partisan Change in a Candidate- Centered Era." Public Opinion Quarterly 51: 58-74.


