The Second Magellanic Age: Territory and Political Authority in the 21st Century


  • David J. Elkins



Territorial states have evolved over several centuries into all-purpose political units, sharing sovereignty only with other states. Non-territorial forms o f political, economic, or religious organizations are increasingly performing state functions, leading to "government a la carte" and thereby to a wider sharing o f sovereignty than at any time since the medieval period. Nation-states will not disappear, indeed they will continue to increase in number; but they will be forced to share the world stage with supple and adaptable non-territorial, transnational organizations. The rise o f the territorial nation-state to become the universal standard o f political organization brought some well-known benefits (including individualism, personal rights, and economic development) and curses (including totalitarian regimes, colonialism, and destruction or assimilation o f other political forms). Technological developments, especially in electronics and telecommunications, have shifted the balance away from purely territorial political forms towards a greater role for non-territorial organizations and their associated identities and loyalties. These new forms and forces constitute a new "logic" which opens up possibilities unknown or unimagined or unattainable until now.


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