At the Starting Line

The College Transition Experience of Black Female Student-Athletes




Black female student-athletes, college transition, student integration, intersectionality, collegiate athletics


This qualitative phenomenological study examined the college transition experience of Black female student-athletes at a private, Mid-Atlantic, predominantly White, National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I institution. Until recently, Black women who are student-athletes have mainly been subsets of larger studies. By centering their transition experiences, this research investigated their lived experiences. The research aimed to fill a gap in the literature and to identify themes for further study of the college transition. In the spring of 2022, participants (N = 6) completed a brief demographic questionnaire and took part in one-on-one, semi-structured interviews designed to explore the first-year transition to college from a student-athlete perspective. Through descriptive phenomenological analysis, particular attention was given to how student-athletes integrate socially, academically, and athletically in college, with an awareness that the intersectionality of identity for Black women at a predominantly White institution (PWI) might impact that experience of campus integration. Five key themes emerged from the participants’ experiences: (a) challenges to connecting, (b) expectations versus experiences, (c) support and positive development, (d) community and belonging, and (e) self-empowerment. The results were reported through a lens of re-evaluating first-year onboarding and support services for Black female student-athletes at a PWI.


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How to Cite

Noël E. Dolan. (2024). At the Starting Line: The College Transition Experience of Black Female Student-Athletes. Journal of Higher Education, Athletics, Labor & Innovation, 1(1), 20–46.



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